Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it. 

Luke’s Gospel contains some beloved passages about Mary. Without Luke, we would have no Annunciation, no Visitation, no Magnificat. So why would Luke show Jesus rebuking people who praised Mary (11:27-28)?

Jesus wasn’t trying to disrespect Mary—he loved her! Rather, he was emphasizing the true reason for Mary’s blessedness: she obeyed the word of God. And although Mary didn’t suffer from original sin, she still had to learn to understand God’s word and live it out each day. So how did she do it?

Mary was attentive. Mary grew up hearing the Hebrew Scriptures, so she knew to listen for God’s voice. She probably wasn’t expecting an angelic messenger, but she was open to God’s word, however it came to her. She pondered God’s message, even when she didn’t quite understand it (Luke 1:29; 2:19, 51). Like Mary, we can reflect on the Lord’s word as it comes to us in Scripture, through the Church, and in the quiet of our hearts. And like Mary, we can ponder God’s word when we don’t understand it right away.

Mary was obedient. Mary didn’t just say yes; she did the will of God throughout her life. At the wedding feast at Cana, she told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5). Because of Mary’s respect for Jesus, the servants obeyed his words. The result? Water became wine that they could give to the entire gathering. Likewise, when we obey God’s word, God’s blessings will extend to our families and beyond.

Mary persevered. Mary’s blessedness didn’t protect her from suffering (Luke 2:35). She knew that obeying the word of God would be costly, yet she didn’t waver. She followed Jesus all the way to the cross. United with her Son there, she found her reward and consolation as she watched salvation unfold. When we persevere in suffering, Jesus remains close to us—and promises that our obedience will bear fruit that we cannot imagine.

“Mary, pray that I might obey God’s word today.”

Joel 4:12-21
Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12
Luke 11:27-28


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