. . . a friend to whom he goes at midnight.

OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY (MEMORIAL) . . . a friend to whom he goes at midnight.  Would you feel comfortable awakening someone at midnight to ask for a favor? You’d probably do it only with a close friend—someone who cares about you so much that your problem naturally...

Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry.

SAINT BRUNO, PRIEST (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry.  Jonah thought he had every reason to be angry with the Lord. After a perilous trip to Nineveh to announce God’s message, Jonah couldn’t understand why God had decided not to carry...

The people of Nineveh believed God.

BLESSED FRANCIS XAVIER SEELOS, PRIEST (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) The people of Nineveh believed God.  The prophet Nahum called Nineveh “the bloody city, all lies, Full of plunder . . . A multitude of slain, a mass of corpses” (3:1, 3). The primary task of its king was to...

You have answered correctly, do this and you will live.

SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI (MEMORIAL) You have answered correctly, do this and you will live.  You almost wish that this scholar of the law would have stopped while he was ahead. He had correctly identified the greatest commandments—love God with your whole being and...

We did not heed the voice of the Lord.

ST. THÉRÈSE OF THE CHILD JESUS, VIRGIN AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH (MEMORIAL) We did not heed the voice of the Lord.  Today’s passage is part of a letter that the prophet Baruch, one of the exiles in Babylon, wrote to the remnant of Israelites still living in Jerusalem....

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