Consider the fig tree. 

Jesus had just described the cataclysms that would come before his return in glory: portents in the night sky, an unnatural roaring of the seas, and the “powers of the heavens” shaking (Luke 21:25-26). And now he’s comparing these catastrophes to something as peaceful and lovely as the flowering of a fig tree. It seems out of place, doesn’t it? You would think a locust invasion might be more appropriate. Or at least a thornbush!

But Jesus is talking about the coming of his kingdom, not the end of all creation. He’s talking about that great day when all our deepest hopes and dreams are finally fulfilled. This is the kingdom of “righteousness, peace, and joy in the holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). What better way to describe its arrival than by talking about life bursting forth into full flower?

What about all the upheaval Jesus described? Isn’t that part of the picture as well? Absolutely. But it’s not the end of the story. Just as we know that a thunderstorm on a humid afternoon will usher in a cool, breezy evening, we know that these trials and disasters will come to an end when Jesus, the Prince of Peace, returns.

So yes, Jesus is coming back. And yes, his coming will be marked by some frightening events. We don’t know when it will happen, but when it does, whatever period of darkness precedes it will give way to the brightness and the glory of a new creation. All suffering, fear, pain, and sorrow will be wiped away. Robed in the dignity of the children of God, we will stand before Jesus, the Son of Man (Revelation 21:3-4).

Jesus promised us, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Luke 21:33). Everything around us that we can see and touch today will ultimately fade or dissolve or burn away. But remember the hope and promise contained in that image of a fig tree in full flower. Because in the end, Jesus’ word will still be with us: a word that saves, a word that brings new life, a word that welcomes us into his eternal kingdom.

“Jesus, help me to be ready for your return. Come, Lord, and fill me with eager expectation!”

Daniel 7:2-14
(Psalm) Daniel 3:75-81
Luke 21:29-33


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