Every tree is known by its own fruit.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses two images for discipleship: a fruitful tree and a house built upon rock. Just as trees bear fruit consistent with their kind, disciples bear fruit in deeds that reveal the state of their hearts. And disciples who put God’s word into practice will stand firm despite the storms of life, like a house built on rock. Their foundation makes them resilient, even under trial.

So how can we build on rock? How can we bear “good fruit”? Jesus puts it succinctly: come to me, listen to me, and act on what you hear (Luke 6:43).

Come to Jesus. You come to him at Mass. You come to him when you read Scripture. You come to him when you sit quietly in his presence—before the altar in church or on the couch at home. Whenever you actively seek to spend time with the Lord, you are coming to him. Even if it’s while you wash dishes or rake leaves, you’re still coming to him.

Then listen to him. The idea of “hearing from the Lord” can seem hard to grasp because it’s not like hearing a train thunder by, or even the cat meowing to be let in. Perhaps you’ll notice peace settling over you in prayer. Jesus could be saying, “It’s good to be with you.” Perhaps his “voice” will come in the form of a new idea regarding an issue you are dealing with. It might even be that you recall how he’s shown you his love in the past or feel a gentle nudge from something you read in Scripture.

And then act. Jesus is clear; we need to do what he tells us when we come to him and listen. As you do, fruit is born. Some things are large and general: love God, love your neighbor. Some things are small and specific: pray for your spouse, introduce yourself to someone you don’t know at church. The possibilities are endless! You may not always “get it right.” But the Lord can work with that too. He only wants hearts that are willing to bear fruit for him.

“Jesus, help me to bear good fruit for you today.”

1 Corinthians 10:14-22
Psalm 116:12-13, 17-18
Luke 6:43-49


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