Follow me. 

Today we celebrate Sts. Peter and Paul, two pillars of the Church with starkly different personalities. Simon, the fisherman, left his nets to follow Jesus (Matthew 4:19). Renamed Peter, he became the leader of the Church (16:18). In contrast, Saul was a well-educated Pharisee who persecuted the Church until Jesus revealed himself to him (Acts 9). From that point on, he became the apostle to the Gentiles, using the Roman name Paul (Romans 11:13).

Peter and Paul built up the Church in very different ways, but despite their differences, both men chose to obey Jesus’ call to “Follow me” (Acts 12:8). They didn’t become like each other or lose their personalities. Instead, through the Spirit, they became more like Jesus. Today, we honor them together because in the end, they followed Jesus unto death, both dying as martyrs in Rome.

Both Peter and Paul followed Jesus by following the Holy Spirit. Peter boldly proclaimed the gospel after he was filled with the Spirit at Pentecost. His preaching cut people to the heart and led thousands to faith in Jesus (Acts 2). Freed from guilt over having denied the Lord, Peter spent the rest of his life leading the Church, first in Jerusalem, then in Antioch, and then in Rome.

Paul also yielded to the Spirit. After he was baptized by Ananias, he immediately began to proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 9:19-20). And he never stopped. Traveling all around the Mediterranean, he proclaimed the gospel and established churches far and wide before ending up in Rome, where he worked side by side with Peter until the end.

Each of us is unique, but whatever our personalities, this one truth is the same: the same Spirit that empowered Peter and Paul lives in us. Do you feel unqualified to serve the Lord? Are you burdened by your past? Look to these two heroes of the faith. Their lives were changed by the power of the Spirit, just as yours can. Today, ask them to pray for you as you seek to yield to the Spirit and follow Jesus wherever he leads you.

“Holy Spirit, help me to follow Jesus today.”

Acts 12:1-11
Psalm 34:2-9
2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18
Matthew 16:13-19


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