[He] summoned those whom he wanted. 

At the creation of the world, God called things into existence: light, land, living creatures, and the rest. In today’s Gospel, Jesus begins to call his Church into existence in a similar way: by calling the first disciples. And he called them not just to exist but to be companions with him.

The summoning didn’t stop with the apostles. Jesus continues to call those he wants, and he wants everyone, including you. You became his own at your baptism. Whether in the arms of your parents or on your own two feet, you came before God and “put on Christ” (CCC 1227; see Galatians 3:27). You belong to his family now.

The companionship with Jesus that the apostles experienced is for you, too. Every morning he calls you to walk with him and to learn from him as the apostles did. They discovered the kingdom of God that he was inaugurating. They came to understand the cost of following him and his way of love. They learned about the glory and the challenge of discipleship. These are the same lessons you can learn as you pray and read Scripture.

What’s more, as he did with his apostles, Jesus has given you the Holy Spirit to teach you and deepen your companionship with him. From the Spirit, you can learn to share Jesus’ mission on earth. You might experience “nudges” from the Spirit as he helps you discern what Jesus is saying and guides you in what he is calling you to do. Maybe you will experience a sense of how much the Lord loves you. Perhaps spontaneous thoughts will arise in you: an impulse to speak kind, encouraging words to a neighbor or to lift up a prayer for someone who is sick.

Jesus loves you and treasures you. He wants you to be his companion. He wants to spend time with you today and every day. Believe that you have worth in his eyes, just as surely as the first apostles did. And then talk to him! Ask him what he’s doing in and around you today. Look for the Spirit’s presence in your life guiding your steps. This is what companionship looks like. Enjoy it!

“Jesus, thank you for calling me to be your companion and allowing me to share in your mission today.”

Hebrews 8:6-13
Psalm 85:8, 10-14
Mark 3:13-19


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