How often must I forgive? 


“Everyone thinks forgiveness is a lovely idea until he has something to forgive.”   That’s what C. S. Lewis wrote in his book Mere Christianity.   It’s certainly true of the unforgiving servant in today’s parable.   He happily received forgiveness from his king, but when it was his turn to forgive a tiny debt owed to him, he just couldn’t do it.

If it can be so hard to forgive little things, what about forgiving something more significant?   Imagine a man forgiving the people who had abducted and enslaved him and then returning to their country to bring the good news of salvation.

That’s just what St. Patrick did.   As we celebrate his feast today, we can learn a lot about forgiveness from his example.   Kidnapped by Irish marauders from his home in England, Patrick spent years tending the sheep of a chieftain in Ireland.   In solitude, his thoughts turned to prayer, and it changed his heart and drew him closer to God.   Eventually, he escaped and returned home.   But that wasn’t the end of the story.   In England, Patrick began to dream that he was being called to return to Ireland.

How could he even consider doing such a thing?   Patrick found the ability to forgive and return to the place where he had suffered so much because of his life of prayer and his reliance on God’s grace.   And the rest, as they say, is history.   Freed from any lingering bitterness or resentment, Patrick traveled to Ireland, evangelized thousands, and changed the entire country’s culture.

St. Patrick’s example might seem intimidating to us.   We might think there is no way we could forgive something so significant.   So let’s circle back to forgiving the small things instead.

C. S. Lewis said that the best way to be ready to forgive weighty things is to start by forgiving smaller things.   Try that today.   If your spouse forgets a special day, forgive them.   If your coworker is inconsiderate, forgive them.   If your child leaves dirty clothes on the floor, forgive them.   You might even try doing something kind for the person you’re forgiving!   Those acts will soften your heart and prepare you to forgive even greater things.

“Lord, help me forgive as you have forgiven me.   St. Patrick, pray for me!”

Daniel 3:25, 34-43
Psalm 25:4-9


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