Hoping against hope…

Doesn’t that sound like a noble effort reserved only for the great saints?   Consider Abraham, God asked him to sacrifice Isaac, the son of the promise, and it was hope that led him to raise the knife.   We might feel we could never rise to that level!

The truth is, you’re probably hoping against hope already.   As a faithful Catholic, you do things that seem out of step or illogical all the time—and each one strengthens your hope and teaches you to believe more fully in what God has promised.

Every time a person is baptized, it is an act of hope against hope.   On the surface, it doesn’t make sense that saying some words and pouring some water could cleanse a person from original sin and make them part of God’s family.   Yet the logic of divine love says otherwise.   And so we trust.

Every time you receive the Eucharist, you are hoping against hope.   You take the Host and drink from the chalice believing that these seemingly ordinary elements are Jesus’ Body and Blood.   You are trusting his promise that whoever eats and drinks has life in him.

Every time you choose to swim against the tide in raising your children, you are hoping against hope.   People say it doesn’t make sense to set limits or try to form children’s consciences.   But you do it anyway because you hope and believe that you play an important role in their eternal life.

Every time you intercede for someone, you are hoping against hope.   How can speaking a few words to a heavenly Being help?   But you hope and believe that God promised to be present when we gather in his name and bring our needs to him.

We all face demanding tests from time to time, and we may not see a way out.   But God has given us the gift of hope, and he is asking us to exercise it, even if it means taking just the smallest step.   Every step strengthens us and builds up our faith.

So be encouraged!

You are living in hope.   If you’re facing something difficult, try to take one step forward today.   God will confirm your faith.

word among us

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