I will maintain my covenant with you. 


Look at how many times we hear the word “I” in this passage.   “I am making you. . . . I will render you. . . . I will make nations of you. . . . I will maintain my covenant with you. . . . I will give to you. . . . I will be their God” (Genesis 17:5, 6, 7, 8).   Isn’t it amazing that all of these “I” statements are promises God made to Abraham and his descendants?   Isn’t it even more amazing that in Christ, we too are now heirs of these promises?

Still, Abraham and Sarah sometimes doubted that God would come through with these promises.   How could they have a child in their old age?   How would this child make Abraham the father of many nations?   It didn’t help either that the promises didn’t come true overnight.   So after many years of waiting, Sarah and Abraham tried to force God’s hand by having Abraham father a child with Hagar, Sarah’s maid (Genesis 16:1-4).   You would think that such an act of mistrust would disqualify them.   But that’s not what happened.   God still remained faithful to his promise and gave them a son, Isaac.

Like Abraham and Sarah, we can struggle to trust in God’s promises.   Difficulties and delays can cause us to wonder if God has forgotten us.   We may even try to take matters into our own hands.   And yet, God does not withdraw his covenant.   Just as he remained faithful to Abraham and Sarah and just as he remained faithful to the Israelites despite the many times they turned from him, so too will he remain faithful to us.

On the cross, Jesus forged a new covenant with us;   he has promised to save us from sin and death and to be with us always.   These are solid promises that we can rely on, no matter what else is going on in our lives.

God’s covenant is forever.   It was his initiative, and he has pledged to uphold it.   As he promised to Abraham, he will always maintain his covenant with us (Genesis 17:7).   Let’s give thanks to the Lord for his faithfulness.   Let’s continue to trust in his word and strive to remain faithful to him.   Let’s believe in our hearts that he is our God and that he will always keep his word to us.

“Thank you, Lord, that your faithfulness lasts forever!”

Psalm 105:4-9
John 8:51-59


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