Do you love me?

SAINT PHILIP NERI, PRIEST (MEMORIAL) Do you love me? In August 1978, John Paul I became the first pope in eight hundred years not to be crowned with a tiara. His successor, Pope St. John Paul II, also declined the tiara: “This is not the time to return to a ceremony...

Do you love me?

SAINT CHARLES LWANGA AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS (MEMORIAL) Do you love me? Why did Jesus ask Peter this question three times? Probably because on the night before Jesus’ crucifixion, Peter denied knowing him three times. So each time Jesus asked Peter if he loved him, he...

Simon, son of John, do you love me?

SAINT CHRISTOPHER MAGALLANES, PRIEST, AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Simon, son of John, do you love me?  You’ve probably had the experience during this Easter season of renewing your baptismal vows. This often takes place at the Easter Vigil, when the...

Do you love me

Do you love me?  With each repeated question, Peter’s eyes swell with tears and his voice trembles.   After proudly announcing at the Last Supper that he would lay down his life for Jesus, he is now ashamed at having denied him three times.   He also wonders why Jesus...

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