This was a night of vigil for the Lord

You know the feeling: you’re running late for an appointment. You dash out the door, wondering, “Do I? Have I? Did I?” If children are involved, you hope that they are all present and dressed and, preferably, wearing shoes. That’s just a small taste of the frenzied feeling of having to rush and press at all costs that the Hebrews must have felt as they fled slavery in Egypt. Thousands of people and livestock simultaneously escaping unpredictable captors is the very definition of chaos!

But what does Scripture say about that moment? It was “a night of vigil for the Lord, as he led them out” (Exodus 12:42, emphasis added).

What a comforting thought! In the midst of the confusion and disarray, God kept a vigil over his people. The One who had promised to free them was watching over them even before their freedom was secured. God was alert to their needs and to the obstacles they faced that night. He was with them to offer them peace, to calm their fears, and to direct their steps. He kept vigil even over the ones who doubted that he would fulfill his word. From the moment he sent Moses to them right up to this very moment, God was keeping vigil. He was carefully making a way for them and providing for their protection. And then, at just the right time, Israel was set free!

God is keeping vigil over you too. He isn’t put off by the disorder or chaos of your life. He knows everything about you, and he is keeping vigil, ready to bring order out of chaos. He has good things planned for you, though perhaps you don’t yet see them. He is always there, watching over you, waiting for just the right moment.

Is something unresolved in your life? Remember the Israelites! They spent years and years in slavery while God kept silent vigil over them. It wasn’t until he called Moses that he set his plan in motion. And even then, he waited for just the right moment. Like the Israelites, you might feel frustrated, unsettled, or afraid as you wait for God to work. But God is not frustrated. He knows just the right time for you!

“Father, thank you for keeping vigil over me. I trust that I will experience your grace in your own good time.”

Word Among Us

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