You are . . . members of the household of God.

Members of the same household as saints like Thomas?   It might seem like a stretch, especially when you think of how much the saints accomplished for Christ.   You might feel that your life falls far short of such a high standard.   But remember, as Thomas’ own story tells us, the saints were not perfect.   Look at the apostles, the “foundation” Paul says we are built upon:  Peter misunderstood Jesus and denied him.   All of them except John abandoned him.   Thomas himself proclaimed he wouldn’t believe Jesus had risen until he had probed the wounds with his own hands.

But that is not the end of their stories.   Jesus gave Peter the chance to proclaim his love three times, mirroring his threefold denial.   Then Peter went on to lead the early Church.   Jesus appeared to Thomas and let him see his wounds.   Once Thomas saw the resurrected Jesus, he made one of the most powerful proclamations of faith you will hear in the New Testament:  “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28).   From there, he went on to proclaim the gospel all the way to India!

These apostles were no less members of the household of God when they struggled with unbelief or weakness than when they became courageous heroes of the faith.   This means that you are no less a member of the household of God when you are painfully aware of your own weakness and unbelief.   In fact, that’s a great place to start because the more you know how much you need Jesus, the more open you will be to meeting him and receiving his grace.   Look at Thomas:  Jesus did not deny him the chance to touch his wounds.   But he didn’t stop there.   He called Thomas further, beyond his weakness and into deeper faith.

You are a member of God’s household, and in this household, the saints are your big brothers and sisters.   They have so much to teach you, especially through their stories about how God accepted them and continued to work in them.   You can be confident that God will accept and work with you too.

Word Among Us

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