Quote of the Week – January 12, 2017

“How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.” George Washington...

The Things in Black Men’s Closets

on the top shelf of the closet is the hat my father wears on special occasions it rests next to the large jar he saves pennies in his head is always bare when i see him walking in the street i once sat in his bedroom watching him search between sweaters and suits...

Quote of the Week – January 10, 2017

“Nothing that God ever made is the same thing to more than one person. That is natural. There is no single face in mature, because every eye that looks upon it sees it from its own angle. So every man’s spice-box seasons his own food.” Zora Neal Hurston, Their Eyes...


Here, she said, put this on your head. She handed me a hat. You ’bout as white as your dad, and you gone stay like that. Aunt Sugar rolled her nylons down around each bony ankle, and I rolled down my white knee socks letting my thin legs dangle, circling them just...

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