Help me to bring your love to others

This, rather, is the fasting that I wish. “What are you doing for Lent?”   It’s a question you’ve probably been asked more than once this week.   Many of us will answer with something like, “I’m giving up desserts—or chocolate or alcohol—and going to Stations of the...

Choose life

Choose life !!! Moses had it right.   We face choices every day.   Every day gives us another opportunity to commit ourselves to the Lord and to find the life that he promises us.   Many of us made Lenten resolutions yesterday, and the best way to keep them is by...

I trust your generousity

God who gives to all generously . . .  James’ letter can read like a long list of advice, kind of like a supersized to-do list: be joyful when you suffer.   Persevere perfectly.   Ask in faith.   Recognize you will fade like a flower.   But James doesn’t give us a...

Have patience and wait for your blessing

The kingdom will return to David’s house. . . . and they will kill me. We know that God can do amazing things.   Yet often, when God promises something, and we see it gradually coming about, we begin to doubt or grow anxious.   Like Peter walking on water, we forget...

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