He “saw” what God had done

When he arrived and saw the grace of God . . .  St. Barnabas, one of the earliest missionaries, had many gifts, but one of his most valuable gifts was the ability to “see” what God was doing and to encourage it. Think about how Barnabas was able to welcome Paul into...

Behold your mother

Behold, your mother A young mother stood in line at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.   Holding her children’s hands, she wondered what to expect as the motorized sidewalk carried her toward the miraculous image of Mary on St. Juan Diego’s tilma. ...

Do you love me

Do you love me?  With each repeated question, Peter’s eyes swell with tears and his voice trembles.   After proudly announcing at the Last Supper that he would lay down his life for Jesus, he is now ashamed at having denied him three times.   He also wonders why Jesus...

Unity of Purpose

. . . that they may all be one Have you ever participated in an event with people from all walks of life?   Maybe it was something united around a common cause, like the March for Life, or a food drive, or a race to raise money for cancer research.   While you were...

Let go of Someone

As you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world We all know what it’s like to let go of someone.   Time marches on, situations change, and someone must move away—or is called home by the Lord. Transitions like these can be hard.   They can upset the...

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