Feb 11, 2021 | Word Among Us
OUR LADY OF LOURDES It is not good for the man to be alone. From childhood, we have heard the story of how God took a rib from Adam’s side and fashioned Eve from that rib. “It is not good for the man to be alone,” God says (Genesis 2:18). God knew Adam’s need, as a...
Feb 10, 2021 | Word Among Us
SAINT SCHOLASTICA, VIRGIN (MEMORIAL) God made the earth and the heavens. Whether our universe was created in a few days or a few billion years, one truth is clear: God is the One who started it all. He created everything out of nothing, and he sustains everything by...
Feb 9, 2021 | Word Among Us
5TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. In ancient times, a king would often place statues of himself around his kingdom. These images acted as visual reminders, both to his people and to foreign powers. They said, in effect, “This...
Feb 8, 2021 | Quote of the Week
“Do not inflict your will. Just give love. The soul will take that love and put it where it can best be used.” – Anonymous
Feb 8, 2021 | Word Among Us
SAINT JOSEPHINE BAKHITA, VIRGIN (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Then God said. . . . And so it happened. We are surrounded by words. There are our own words; the conversations going on around us; and the words spoken on television, radio talk shows, commercials, and podcasts....
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