If you have faith the size of a mustard seed

SAINT FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI, VIRGIN (MEMORIAL) If you have faith the size of a mustard seed . . .  We all know what a lever is: a long stick or a rod used to pry or move something heavy. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks were the first to discover that by exerting...

I have reason to boast in what pertains to God.

SAINT LEO THE GREAT, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH (MEMORIAL) I have reason to boast in what pertains to God.  How do you react when someone gives you a sincere compliment? It’s tempting to deflect the praise by saying, “It was nothing” or “So many others played more important...

You are God’s building.

THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA (FEAST) You are God’s building.  While St. Peter’s Basilica might be the most popular church in Rome, today’s feast recognizes another important building, the one that serves as the cathedral of the bishop of Rome: the Lateran...

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