Quote of the Week | April 15, 2024

“Peacefully do at each moment what at that moment ought to be done. If we do what each moment requires, we will eventually complete God’s plan, whatever it is. We can trust God to take care of the master plan when we take care of the details.” ― Katharine Mary...

Believe in the one he sent.

3RD WEEK OF EASTER Believe in the one he sent.  How easily we can miss the deeper meaning of words that we use all the time! For example, the word “believe” is defined as accepting something to be true or having an opinion about something. But the ancient Greek word...

He does not ration his gift of the Spirit.

SAINT STANISLAUS, BISHOP AND MARTYR (MEMORIAL) He does not ration his gift of the Spirit. In many movies or plays, there are two main characters whom everyone remembers: a hero and a villain, perhaps, or two star-crossed lovers. But often enough there is a third...

Go and . . . tell the people everything about this life.

2ND WEEK OF EASTER Go and . . . tell the people everything about this life. Imagine that you are one of the apostles sitting in that jail cell. What would you do when the angel shows up, unlocks the door, and leads you to freedom? Would your first instinct be to get...

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