Whose image and inscription is this?

9TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Whose image and inscription is this? A coin collector today would pay hundreds of dollars for a first-century denarius like the one Jesus held up in today’s Gospel reading. But that collector couldn’t buy even a loaf of bread with his coin....

You . . . share in the divine nature.

SAINT CHARLES LWANGA AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS (MEMORIAL) You . . . share in the divine nature. As a boy, José was fascinated with outer space—so much so that he dreamed of one day becoming an astronaut. But growing up as a child of migrant workers, his dream seemed...

Wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

SAINT JUSTIN, MARTYR (MEMORIAL) Wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.  What is this “mercy” that Jude tells us to wait for? For Jude, it’s the mercy that will appear “in the last time,” when Jesus comes back to judge the living and the dead (18). It’s the mercy...

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