All generations will call me blessed.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Solemnity) All generations will call me blessed.  Did you know that letters and historical records from the first century AD all testify that Mary’s tomb contains no body? Or that no relics of her exist apart from her shroud?...

The glory of the Lord left the threshold of the temple.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr (Memorial) The glory of the Lord left the threshold of the temple. Today’s first reading contains a graphic vision of God’s judgment on his people. Because they had disobeyed his commands and followed the customs of the...

Then the subjects are exempt.

St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious (Optional Memorial) Then the subjects are exempt. It’s no surprise that taxation causes controversy. It’s one of the two certainties of life, as the saying goes! The tax that is the subject of today’s Gospel was assessed on all...

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