He realized their intentions.

Saint Peter Claver, Priest (Memorial) He realized their intentions.  Sometimes it’s helpful to use our imagination and picture ourselves in a Gospel scene. Let’s try this with today’s Gospel. You have come to get a glimpse at this Jesus, whom you have heard so much...

No one pours new wine into old wineskins.

22nd Week in Ordinary Time No one pours new wine into old wineskins. When wine is first pressed, it continues to expand. In Jesus’ day, that meant it needed to be kept in a supple, flexible wineskin so that it had plenty of room to keep expanding. In a similar way,...

At your command I will lower the nets.

22nd Week in Ordinary Time At your command I will lower the nets.  Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you are working, you never seem to be getting anywhere? Many of us juggle work, family life, volunteer responsibilities, and more, and we can sometimes feel...

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