A division occurred in the crowd. 

If you have spent any time on social media, you have probably seen people posting strong, one-sided opinions on everything from politics to celebrities to social movements. To keep our attention, social media platforms use algorithms that enable them to continually feed us more of the same of what we read. But that only reinforces our perspective; it doesn’t help broaden or balance it.

While Jesus didn’t deal with social media algorithms, he encountered something similar: a noisy chorus of opinions, criticisms, and judgments. It was so unruly that the people risked losing sight of the powerful truth about Jesus as the Son of God.

So how did Jesus keep his peace in the face of such chaos and opposition? In the very next verse of John’s Gospel, we find the answer: he went to the Mount of Olives (John 8:1).

From the days of King David, faithful Jews have retreated to the Mount of Olives as a place of refuge and prayer (2 Samuel 15:30). Noise and division were silenced in this place, giving Jesus the ideal environment to speak with his Father. These times of prayer surely restored him and helped him continue his mission.

Jesus’ example shows us that we absolutely need to find times and places to retreat and pray. That might mean going to Adoration or daily Mass. It could mean stealing away for a few minutes in a quiet corner. It could mean limiting our time on social media.

There are many ways to carve out space to pray. It doesn’t matter where or how we do it. We just have to remember that if Jesus needed it, we do too. So try this exercise tomorrow morning: before reaching for your phone or starting your daily tasks, spend some time at your own “Mount of Olives.” Take a few minutes to be still in the presence of your heavenly Father. You will be amazed at how this brief, deliberate pause can shape your day.

“Lord, help me find a quiet place to be with you.”

Jeremiah 11:18-20
Psalm 7:2-3, 9-12
John 7:40-53


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