The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Solemnity)

All generations will call me blessed. 

Did you know that letters and historical records from the first century AD all testify that Mary’s tomb contains no body? Or that no relics of her exist apart from her shroud? That’s some pretty strong evidence backing up the ancient tradition that Our Lady was assumed body and soul into heaven!

Think about Mary’s life for a moment. She didn’t preach to multitudes or perform mighty miracles like the apostles did. She didn’t write any great epistles, found any churches, or travel to the ends of the earth. So we shouldn’t assume that Mary’s assumption was some kind of reward she “earned” by doing all sorts of wondrous deeds.

Quite the opposite, in fact. Rather than launch her into a life of miracles and missionary greatness, Mary’s yes to the angel introduced her to a different adventure: a pregnancy surrounded by scandal. Giving birth in a stable. Fleeing to Egypt as a refugee. Watching her son perform miracle after miracle even as he endured opposition. She stood by helpless as he suffered a horrible death on a cross, but then rejoiced in his resurrection and eagerly welcomed the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost. Then, at the end of a life lived in faithful humility, she received the ultimate gift of the assumption.

Today’s feast is both an enduring sign of God’s deep love for Mary and a prophetic sign of what awaits us as we follow in her footsteps of humble discipleship. Mary’s assumption tells us that God sees each of us. He sees our sacrifices. He sees our faithfulness. He sees our attempts—both successful and unsuccessful—to love as he loves. He sees it all and he honors it all, and he longs for the day when he will bring us, body and soul, into his heavenly courts.

So let Mary’s example comfort you today. Let it encourage you to say yes to God in ways that may be uncomfortable. Remember that Mary, your mother, understands the cost of discipleship—and the rewards. And she is praying for you every day!

“Blessed Mary, full of grace, thank you for blazing the trail of discipleship for all of us!”

Revelation 11:19; 12:1-6, 10
Psalm 45:10-12, 16
1 Corinthians 15:20-27
Luke 1:39-56


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