I will allure her . . . and speak to her heart. 

The prophet Hosea lived in the eighth century BC.   It was a time of prosperity for the northern kingdom of Israel, but it was also a time when the people were turning from their covenant relationship with God and embracing pagan religions and rituals instead.   So why would he talk in today’s first reading about God alluring the people and speaking to their hearts?   The imagery sounds almost romantic, as if God were wooing his people rather than upbraiding them for their infidelity.

And so it should!   Earlier in Hosea, we read about the prophet’s unfaithful wife and God’s command for Hosea to reach out to her over and over in order to bring her back.   Hosea’s persistent love for his wife is meant to reflect the love that God has for his people—and for us as well.

That’s why God promised to lure his wayward people into the desert: not to castigate them for their sins, but to win over their hearts again.   He wanted to take them away from distractions so that they could again hear him speak about his commitment to them, his faithful love, and his willingness to forgive every sin.

This is one of Hosea’s most important messages:  God, our divine spouse, is always taking the initiative.   He is always taking a step toward us even when we are unfaithful to him.   He doesn’t want to see us turn away from him, but if we do, he will try to win back our affections so that we can be faithful again.

God wants to coax you today.   He wants you to come away with him to a place free of distractions.   Let him speak to your heart.   Let him convince you of his faithfulness and his love.   If you feel that your failures are too great, don’t let that stop you from joining him.

Jesus promised, “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself”.   Jesus has been lifted up.   He was lifted up at his ascension, and he is lifted up every day at Mass.   As the “lifted up” Lord, he is focused on just one thing: drawing you, and everyone else, to his side.   So turn your heart to him, and let him woo you.

word among us 

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