Ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. 

Jesus was filled with compassion for his people, who “were troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). He wanted to be their Shepherd, healing them and releasing them from the bondage of sin and death. But like a ripe harvest, they needed to be gathered and brought to him. That’s why he instructed his disciples to “ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest” (9:38).

Of course, the disciples themselves brought in a great harvest, as did so many dedicated believers who came after them. Yet the harvest is still “abundant” today (Matthew 9:37). So many people need to hear and accept the good news. That’s why, as modern-day disciples, we, too, are called to bring in this harvest. But with so many work and family demands pressing in on us, how can we do that?

First, we can respond to Jesus’ request and pray for more workers who can dedicate their whole lives to sharing the good news and caring for his people. Maybe our prayers will help a young man realize that he is being called to the priesthood. Or perhaps a young woman will hear God leading her to enter the convent. Pray for those reading this magazine right now who are discerning whether to become a full-time “harvester,” whether in a religious vocation or as a lay minister.

Second, we can pray for opportunities to do some “harvesting” ourselves. We don’t have to be full-time laborers to bring in some of the harvest. If everyone does their part, think of how many people could come to know the Lord! So be open to inviting a neighbor, friend, or coworker to a parish Bible study. Ask them if they want you to pray for a specific need. So many people are “troubled and abandoned” and need you to share God’s love with them!

Finally, we can encourage young people, both in our families and in our parishes, to consider a vocation. Sometimes all it takes is asking the question, “Might God be calling you?”

The harvest is more than ready. Let’s help to bring it in!

“Jesus, I am praying for more laborers. Help me to be one, too!”

Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13
Psalm 115:3-10
Matthew 9:32-38


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