22nd Week in Ordinary Time

At your command I will lower the nets. 

Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you are working, you never seem to be getting anywhere? Many of us juggle work, family life, volunteer responsibilities, and more, and we can sometimes feel as if we’re just spinning our wheels. Our efforts and our striving just aren’t bearing fruit.

In today’s Gospel reading, Peter experienced a similar frustration. He and his men had caught nothing all night. Not one fish. Their nets were completely empty. Then Jesus entered the picture, and they caught more fish than they could bring into the boat! It’s this stark difference between “before” and “after” that makes this a memorable miracle.

For Peter, it was life-changing. He had probably never caught so many fish. But it wasn’t really “his” catch. Yes, he and his men had done the work of lowering their nets into the water. But there was clearly something greater at work here. When Peter obeyed Jesus, he received grace that took him beyond his expectations. He knew that without Jesus, he would still be looking at empty nets.

The lesson Peter learned can change our lives, too. Our own efforts, like Peter’s unsuccessful night of fishing, can get us only so far. But when we listen to and obey Jesus, as Peter did, we allow him and his grace into our lives. We open ourselves to new and unexpected ways that he might want to work in and through us.

So where do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels? Are you dealing with a troubled child? Invite Jesus into the situation and ask him to give you his peace or maybe even to give you the right words to say to your son or daughter. Are you feeling exhausted as you wrestle with a difficult situation at work? Put it in Jesus’ hands and let him guide you through the obstacles. Are you dejected as you struggle once again with a persistent sin pattern? Abandon yourself to Jesus and let him forgive you and raise you up.

As you yield to Jesus and offer him your self-reliance, he will show you that he can bless and provide, even when your efforts seem to come up empty.

“Lord, I give you all the ways I rely on myself. Help me to receive your grace.”

1 Corinthians 3:18-23
Psalm 24:1-6
Luke 5:1-11


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