Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you.

Even before the beginning. That’s how far back God’s love for Jeremiah went. Before he formed the prophet, before he was even conceived, God knew him and had plans for his life. He was going ahead of Jeremiah and preparing him for the work he had in mind. So when Jeremiah complained that he was too young and not prepared to follow his calling, God promised to lead him and stay with him always.

The same is true for you. God knows you and sees you. Even before you were born, his grace was with you. He called you into being, formed you into his own image, and shaped you for his purposes. He has specific work for you to do, and he has been preparing you to join him in accomplishing that work. Isn’t that amazing?

How do you respond? Maybe like Jeremiah, you hesitate, aware of your shortcomings. But all God is looking for is an open heart, humble cooperation, and trust that he will equip you just as he equipped the reluctant Jeremiah. As you hold fast to your trust in the Lord, you’ll find that every day becomes an invitation to participate in his good plans for you and for the people around you.

As you begin each new day, or as you settle in to your daily prayer time, take a moment to ask the Lord, What are you up to today, and how are you asking me to join you in it? Maybe he’ll bring to mind an old friend who needs you to reach out and make contact with her. Maybe he’ll touch your heart with a Scripture as you are praying and then bring someone across your path who would be blessed by hearing that message. Or maybe something you want to do gets cancelled, or you get stuck in traffic. Instead of giving in to frustration, you can offer that time to the Lord with a prayer for healing or peace for someone you know.

God is always inviting you to work with him—and he’s not expecting you to do it by your strength alone. He has been equipping you for it from the beginning!

“Father, open my heart to see your everlasting love, to say yes to you, and to work with you today.”

Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10
Psalm 71:1-6, 15, 17
Matthew 13:1-9


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