23rd Week in Ordinary Time

Blessed are you who are poor. 

It’s important to pay attention to the setting here. When he says, “Blessed are you who are poor,” Jesus is addressing his own disciples (Luke 6:20, emphasis added). He isn’t talking about the poor, he’s talking to them. Remember, these are people who had left homes and families for his sake (Matthew 19:27). Some had even sold their possessions and given the money to the poor before they began following him (Luke 18:22).

So imagine you are one of the those followers. He had made your faith come alive in ways you had never experienced before. He revealed deep truths to you and showed you the true purpose and value of the life God had given you. You were awestruck as you watched him perform miracles and heal the sick. You might even have seen him take corpses by the hand and bring them to life again.

As you watched all this, you found your own heart beginning to change. You realized that Jesus is more valuable to you than your belongings, your career, and your warm connection to your hometown. In his description of the kingdom of God, you have found something worth every penny in your pocket and every minute of your life.

So when Jesus turns to you and says, “Leave all behind, and follow me,” you feel you have indeed made your decision. And when he calls you—along with your newfound brothers and sisters—both “blessed” and “poor,” you know exactly what he means. Your feet ache. You haven’t slept in a comfortable bed in weeks. Your financial future is far less secure than it was before you met him. But of course you are blessed!

What about your life here and now? Maybe following Jesus has made you a little poorer as you are giving more away. Maybe you’re feeling a little less secure about your future or a little less comfortable living by the standards of the world. Take some time today to examine what your discipleship has cost you. But don’t stop there. Look also at all the blessings you’ve received over your life, blessings that only Jesus could have given you. He’s worth it all, isn’t he?

“Jesus, it truly is a blessing to be numbered among the people you call your very own!”

1 Corinthians 7:25-31
Psalm 45:11-12, 14-17
Luke 6:20-26


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