Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town.
Imagine how time-consuming it must be to organize something like a state dinner or an occasion such as the Oscars. Everything from the menu to the decorations—and especially the guest list—has to be carefully chosen.
God opens his doors to everyone! God goes so far as to send his servant out to invite as many people as possible! “Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town” .
The guest list at a state dinner or a Hollywood event is limited; there is only so much money in the budget for such an event. But Jesus’ guest list goes on and on. He wants his home to be filled; he wants every person he created to join him at his heavenly banquet table—not to mention, his riches cannot be exhausted. His grace is infinite! It reaches to everyone. In God’s eyes, we are all worth every last penny.
Jesus tells this parable to illustrate the kind of host God is. One who seeks to gather people, all kinds of people, into his kingdom. One who spares no expense or effort to welcome every man and woman into his family. Not a single person is too far gone. Think of Peter: after he denied knowing Jesus, the Lord reached out to him and restored him. Or think of the Samaritan woman at the well: ashamed of her sin and fearing rejection, she waited until the heat of the day to draw water so that she could avoid everyone else. But Jesus freely engaged her in conversation and offered her his own living water. Just like the forgiving father who pleaded with both the prodigal son and his older brother, God wants to bring everyone into his home.
Don’t forget that God is pursuing you too! You may feel as if you are on a spiritual street or in an alley rather than inside his warm, loving home. Or you may be already walking with Jesus on the way to his banquet. No matter how near or far from God you may feel, he is always seeking you.
word among us
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