By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. 

Do you believe that you can bring glory to God? It’s not such a stretch, actually. At its heart, glorifying God means allowing his love and life to shine forth from you. Of course, Jesus glorified his Father perfectly. But you can glorify God too, even if you don’t do it perfectly. In today’s Gospel, Jesus describes two ways this can happen.

First, you glorify the Father when you “bear much fruit” (John 15:8). Since “a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine,” fruitfulness requires “remain[ing]” in Jesus, the true vine (15:4). In the same way that nutrients and water flow from the roots of a vine into each branch, the stream of Jesus’ life and love flows into you as you stay rooted in him. And that flow of divine life and love is what produces fruit in your life. Of course, it takes some effort on your part to stay united to Jesus: holding onto his word, following his commands, and turning away from sin. But in the end, his life flowing into you produces spiritual fruit like joy, peace, patience, and humility. And that brings honor to your heavenly Father.

Second, you glorify God when you “become [Jesus’] disciples” (John 15:8). In ancient Israel, a rabbi had disciples—people who followed him, were formed by him, and spread his teaching. The goal was that anyone who saw the disciple would immediately recognize the master through that disciple’s words and actions. The same is true for us, followers of the Lord. The more we are conformed to the Son who perfectly reflects the Father, the more we can bring him glory!

God can be glorified in each one of us. So stay close to Jesus. Let him make you more like himself. And let his life shine forth from you today.

“Jesus, help me to glorify my heavenly Father!”

Acts 15:1-6
Psalm 122:1-5
John 15:1-8


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