Hail, full of grace!

THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD (SOLEMNITY) Hail, full of grace!  With these words, the angel Gabriel greets Mary. Interestingly, the Greek word that we translate as “hail” could just as easily be translated as “Rejoice!” Can’t you imagine Gabriel telling Mary, “Rejoice!...

Harden not your hearts.

3RD WEEK OF LENT Harden not your hearts. “Is my heart hard or soft?” That can be a difficult question to answer, mainly because it seems so black-and-white. We can wonder if we’ve become like the Israelites in the first reading: a “nation that does not listen to the...

I have come . . . to fulfill.

SAINT TURIBIUS OF MOGROVEJO, BISHOP (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) I have come . . . to fulfill.  Many of the Jewish religious leaders believed that Jesus was rejecting the Law of Moses. They attacked him for healing on the Sabbath and for not always observing the prescribed...

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