My love shall never leave you.

3RD WEEK OF ADVENT My love shall never leave you. You have probably heard the saying “Never say never.” It’s often used pessimistically: “Be careful; anything can happen.” One exception, though, is God’s love: it will never leave you. Two thousand years before you...

Let justice descend, O heavens, . . . like gentle rain.

3RD WEEK OF ADVENT Let justice descend, O heavens, . . . like gentle rain.  When the people of Israel returned home after their exile in Babylon, many of them bore the wounds of their captivity. Yes, justice had finally descended when their captivity came to an...

You did not later change your minds and believe him.

SAINT JOHN OF THE CROSS, PRIEST AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH You did not later change your minds and believe him.  If you had to summarize Jesus’ parable in one line, it might be this: repentance requires a change of mind and heart. That’s what happened to the first son;...

How goodly are your tents, O Jacob!

SAINT LUCY, VIRGIN AND MARTYR (MEMORIAL) How goodly are your tents, O Jacob!  Fair tents? Lush gardens? Tall cedars? Nourished as by flowing waters? A laughable description at best! It’s easy to read Balaam’s prophecy as comforting words of hope and miss out on the...

As they were coming down from the mountain

SAINT DAMASUS I, POPE (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) As they were coming down from the mountain . . .  Today’s Gospel (Matthew 17:9-13) immediately follows the story of the Transfiguration. Peter, James, and John had gone up the mountain to be alone with Jesus. As they set aside...

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