He chose Twelve.

SAINT SIMON AND SAINT JUDE, APOSTLES (FEAST) He chose Twelve.  If you made a movie about the life of Jesus, you know who would have the starring roles. In addition to Jesus, the actors playing Peter, John, and Judas would get top billing. But the actors playing some...

The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness.

30TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness.  What good news! God doesn’t expect us to know how to pray on our own, and neither does he expect us to do his will on our own. That’s why he gave us his Holy Spirit—to aid us in our weakness. How...

Woman, you are set free of your infirmity.

30TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Woman, you are set free of your infirmity. A woman racked by arthritic pain struggled to get dressed and out the door on time for her prayer group at church. The pain was nothing new—she had endured it for many years—so she was determined to...

Why do you not know how to interpret the present time?

SAINT JOHN PAUL II, POPE (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Why do you not know how to interpret the present time? Carpe diem; seize the day! In literature, film, even advertising, this well-known phrase exhorts us to take hold of life with passion. Make the most of today since...

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