Appear not before the Lord empty-handed.

SAINT BEDE THE VENERABLE, PRIEST AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Appear not before the Lord empty-handed.  Have you ever seen a small child at church when the offertory is being collected? Eager to participate, the child is upset that he has nothing to...

Woman, behold, your son.

BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER OF THE CHURCH (MEMORIAL) Woman, behold, your son. In today’s Gospel (John 19:25-34), Mary is going through the most painful moment of her life, as she watches her son’s slow and torturous death on the cross. But in this scene of unbearable...

Simon, son of John, do you love me?

SAINT CHRISTOPHER MAGALLANES, PRIEST, AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Simon, son of John, do you love me?  You’ve probably had the experience during this Easter season of renewing your baptismal vows. This often takes place at the Easter Vigil, when the...

Father, they are your gift to me.

SAINT BERNARDINE OF SIENA, PRIEST (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Father, they are your gift to me.  Do you recall the last time someone gave you a gift and the anticipation, the eagerness you felt before you received it? Maybe you experienced joy or tender affection, for both...

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