I am the bread of life.

3RD WEEK OF EASTER I am the bread of life.  This past year has been difficult for many reasons, but one of the hardest things for Catholics has been our limited ability to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. At the beginning of the pandemic, many churches closed, and...

Jesus had not yet come to them.

2ND WEEK OF EASTER Jesus had not yet come to them.  Many of us can feel that the disciples had it easier than we do. After all, Jesus was physically there with them. But today’s Gospel (John 6:16-21) seems to speak directly to all of us who live after Jesus’...

A large crowd followed him.

2ND WEEK OF EASTER A large crowd followed him. Who wouldn’t follow Jesus? He turned water into wine, healed the sick, and overturned tables in the Temple. He brought some excitement—and perhaps a bit of hope—into people’s lives. And so a young boy joined the crowd in...

He does not ration his gift of the Spirit.

2ND WEEK OF EASTER He does not ration his gift of the Spirit. Let’s lift our hearts in a prayer of thanks to our God today. As today’s Gospel (John 3:31-36) reminds us, he has no limitations and does not have to restrain his generosity: “Father, I give you thanks that...

But whoever lives the truth comes to the light.

2ND WEEK OF EASTER But whoever lives the truth comes to the light. Think of what it’s like when the sun comes out after a string of gloomy days. You feel a lift in your spirits. You feel more alive, more energetic. The world doesn’t seem like such a bad place after...

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