Observing the boldness of Peter and John . . .

SATURDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Observing the boldness of Peter and John . . .  What a change from the events of Jesus’ passion! Was this the same Peter who stood in the shadows of the high priest’s courtyard, hoping not to be recognized? Were these the same men...

Of this we are witnesses.

THURSDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Of this we are witnesses. Peter and John were firsthand witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection. They had seen him with their own eyes. But when Peter healed the crippled man “in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean,” everyone who was...

Stay with us.

WEDNESDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Stay with us. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus were dejected and confused. So when a stranger drew near to them, they were eager to talk about the painful events of the previous two days. Yet when he opened up the...

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