Mar 23, 2021 | Word Among Us
SAINT TURIBIUS OF MOGROVEJO, BISHOP (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) If you do not believe that I AM, you will die in your sins. Jesus isn’t just talking about physical death here. He is also talking about the spiritual death that is the state of everyone who is bound up in sin....
Mar 22, 2021 | Word Among Us
5TH WEEK OF LENT Neither do I condemn you. Take some time to place yourself in this dramatic scene. The scribes and Pharisees had just brought a woman to Jesus. She had been caught in adultery and was forced to stand in the midst of a crowd. People milled about and...
Mar 20, 2021 | Word Among Us
4TH WEEK OF LENT No prophet arises from Galilee. That sure seems like an open-and-shut statement! The Pharisees were certain: the Messiah would be a descendant of David and would come from Bethlehem. It was impossible that he could arise from Galilee—that place where...
Mar 19, 2021 | Word Among Us
SAINT JOSEPH, SPOUSE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (SOLEMNITY) Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid. Joseph’s dreams for a happy marriage and family appeared to be fading fast. A faithful Jew and “righteous man” (Matthew 1:19), he knew Jewish law required him to...
Mar 18, 2021 | Word Among Us
SAINT CYRIL OF JERUSALEM, BISHOP AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) But there is another who testifies on my behalf, and I know that the testimony he gives on my behalf is true. In today’s Gospel (John 5:31-47), Jesus tells the Jews what an effective...
Mar 17, 2021 | Word Among Us
SAINT PATRICK, BISHOP (OPTIONAL MEMORIAL) Can a mother forget her infant? Today’s first reading (Isaiah 49:8-15) contains many beautiful images that convey God’s love and care for us. It’s a message that is just as comforting for us today as it must have been for the...
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