Make justice your aim.

2ND WEEK OF LENT Make justice your aim.  What we aim for has a big impact on whether we ever hit the mark. So how do we set our sights on achieving justice? It can seem so idealistic and so out of reach. Where do we even begin? One key Hebrew word used in this...

Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.

1ST WEEK OF LENT Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.  We all have them, the “challenging” people in our lives. Even when they don’t intend to, they seem bent on opposing our peace or our plans, and that makes us want to avoid them. We know that we...

Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness.

1ST WEEK OF LENT Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness.  The psalmist reminds us of two foundational truths: we are utterly dependent on God for his mercy, and we can trust that his “goodness” and the “greatness” of his “compassion” far outweigh our sin (Psalm...

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