We speak . . . with words taught by the Spirit

22ND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   We speak . . . with words taught by the Spirit.    Paul was a well-educated man. Born in the cosmopolitan city of Tarsus, he was exposed to Greek philosophy at an early age. Then, “at the feet of Gamaliel”—one of the most...

Not with persuasive words of wisdom

22ND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   Not with persuasive words of wisdom . . .    “Out of the mouths of babes oft times come gems.”   So goes the old proverb. The pure-hearted perspective of children, along with their lack of inhibition, can often bring rare clarity...

Herod liked to listen to him

THE PASSION OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST (MEMORIAL)   Herod liked to listen to him.   Try to imagine Herod listening to John the Baptist.    John pulled no punches about Herod’s illicit marriage, and Herod could have had John killed immediately.   But there was...

Therefore, stay awake.

SAINT AUGUSTINE, BISHOP AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH (MEMORIAL)   Therefore, stay awake.    Jesus’ parables were often deceptively simple—easy for a child to grasp, but with depths of meaning and grace that saints and mystics reveled in.   Like an onion, each...

He will keep you firm to the end.

SAINT MONICA (MEMORIAL)   He will keep you firm to the end. . . . God is faithful, and by him you were called.    A popular children’s book revolves around a young boy’s “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.”   We all have them—days when we try hard to...

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