The good seed [is] the children of the Kingdom.

17TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   The good seed [is] the children of the Kingdom.    Today’s Gospel (Matthew 13:36 – 43) is taken from Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom of heaven.   He uses examples from everyday experience to shed light on divine mysteries. ...

The birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.

17TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   The birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.    A flock of birds, perched all together in a tree, can make such a tremendous noise that it’s possible to lose sight of the magnificence of the tree.   The squawking, the...

Hear the parable of the sower

SAINT SHARBEL MAKHLŪF, PRIEST   Hear the parable of the sower.    Seeds are remarkable feats of nature.   Not only do they contain miniature models of the plant they are to become, but they also have an outer casing that protects them from the elements,...


SAINT MARY MAGDALENE (FEAST)   Mary!    When Jesus freed Mary Magdalene from seven demons, he did more than just heal her (Luke 8:2).   He changed the entire direction of her life. The man who had made her whole again now became the center of her life.   She...

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