Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?

Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary   Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?   Today begins the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and today’s Gospel (Mark 2:16) is a wonderful way to start! Try to picture the scene here.   Jesus and his disciples...

Speak, for your servant is listening

1st Week in Ordinary Time   Speak, for your servant is listening.    Yesterday, we saw how Eli mistook Hannah’s prayer for a child as the babbling of a drunken woman.   Today, we see Eli mistaking young Samuel’s story of voices in the dark for nothing more...

I was only pouring out my troubles to the Lord

1st Week in Ordinary Time   I was only pouring out my troubles to the Lord.   Communication is vital to good relationships, but we don’t tend to think about communication when it comes to our faith.   That’s too bad, because Christianity is all about...

They left their father . . . and followed him

Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (Optional Memorial) and First Week in Ordinary Time   They left their father . . . and followed him.    Do you remember your teenage years, when you used to be able to sleep through a blaring alarm clock?   But...

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