We become a New Creation

Whoever is in Christ is a new creation When Josh went off to graduate school, he felt as if a new chapter was beginning.   Soon after arriving at school, this sense was confirmed—through his car.   During the first week of class, the rear-view mirror fell off the...

God craves our holiness

If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away Pluck out an eye?   Lop off a hand?   Imagine how the disciples’ jaws must have dropped when Jesus said this!   His point, however, wasn’t that self-mutilation is a necessary step to holiness.   It’s...

Angry saints

Whoever is angry with his brother . . . Angry saints.   It sounds almost comical, but the truth is that many saints struggled with controlling their anger.   Historians think Jesus nicknamed the apostles James and John the “Sons of Thunder” because of their anger. ...

Thank you, Lord, for your blessings

Glory that surpasses . . .  Have you ever watched a little child contentedly nibbling on an animal cracker while an adult nearby enjoys a gourmet dessert?   That child has no idea what she’s missing;  she feels like she has it all.   That’s something of an analogy to...

He “saw” what God had done

When he arrived and saw the grace of God . . .  St. Barnabas, one of the earliest missionaries, had many gifts, but one of his most valuable gifts was the ability to “see” what God was doing and to encourage it. Think about how Barnabas was able to welcome Paul into...

Behold your mother

Behold, your mother A young mother stood in line at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.   Holding her children’s hands, she wondered what to expect as the motorized sidewalk carried her toward the miraculous image of Mary on St. Juan Diego’s tilma. ...

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