The Kingdom of God is at hand

The Kingdom of God is at hand. Did you know that St. Luke wrote more than 25 percent of the New Testament?   In addition to the Gospel that bears his name, he also wrote the Acts of the Apostles. In the Book of Acts, Luke offers a clear historical account of the birth...

He is like a tree planted near running water

He is like a tree planted near running water.  Weeping willow trees are known for their aggressive root system.   These trees love water!   The roots often spread much wider than the tree itself and burrow deep into the ground to find water sources.   That’s why they...

For freedom Christ set us free

For freedom Christ set us free.  Imagine if every time you got in your car, you consulted a big, heavy book that explained the many rules of the road.   That would make driving pretty difficult, wouldn’t it?   As it is, you already know the traffic laws.   You...

This generation is an evil generation

This generation is an evil generation. In Scripture (Luke 11:29),  isn’t Jesus being a little hard on his generation?   But then again, the same thought has probably gone through our minds at some point or another.   It can be overwhelming to look around and see ways...

with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come

. . . with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come.  Last Week in Rome,   Pope Francis will canonize Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, in addition to Pope Paul VI. Selected as archbishop of San Salvador in 1977,  Romero served during a time of intense...

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.  No wonder this woman is excited.   Jesus has just shown that he has power to cast out evil spirits (Luke 11:14).   That’s pretty impressive!   Still, the woman seems underinformed.   She praises Jesus by...

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