Bring Jesus to the Temple

The parents of Jesus took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. Why did Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the Temple?   The reason stretches back to the original Passover.   God had told the Israelites to put the blood of a lamb on their doorposts so that their...


Herod became furious.  Anger can be a powerful and fierce emotion.   If left unchecked, it can cause us to make rash decisions and lead us to hurt innocent people.   Just look at Herod.   He heard a king had been born in Israel and he was afraid.   This child was a...

Waiting Game

When the time arrived for Elizabeth to have her child she gave birth to a son.  Waiting.   We are not very good at that.   Everyone seems to be waiting.   Children waiting on their parents.   Travelers wait at airports.   We even wait in line to go to Confession! ...

He has filled me with many good things

He has filled the hungry with good things As Valentine  draws near, many of us are busy “filling” packages, and envelopes with good things.   We hope to surprise and delight the people in our lives.   We want them to know we love and value them, that we think of them,...

Let me hear your voice

Let me see you, let me hear your voice.  It’s amazing what people will do to attend a special event or to get something they really want.   We see images on the news of people waiting all night outside a store just so that they can buy a new cell phone or get tickets...

Nothing will be impossible

Nothing will be impossible for God.  As we ponder today, let’s turn to our heavenly Father, who delights in accomplishing the impossible: “Father, nothing is impossible for you.   You spoke a word, and everything came to be.   Out of the chaos of nothingness, you...

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