Remember your covenant faithfulness

They are children of Israel.  Why did Paul pray for the Jewish people so earnestly? For starters, he knew how special the nation of Israel is to God.   Beginning with Abraham, God promised them a future as his chosen people among the nations.   He liberated them from...

All Saint

One . . . who desires not what is vain. Two young girls were talking on the day of their First Communion.   “What do you want to be when you grow up?” one asked.   The other replied, “A saint. My grandmother told me I could be one.”   That might sound cliché, but the...

Happy Ending

The sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed.  Who doesn’t like a happy ending?   Everyone cheers when the prince rescues the princess or when the bad guy is defeated. Though he has suffered many hardships as a missionary,...

Open my heart

This daughter of Abraham . . .  Occasionally, we receive stories from readers telling us how God has worked in their lives. “I was serving on the prayer ministry team at my church a few years ago when a woman came asking for prayer.   ‘It’s my heart,’ she said,...

I am a sinner

Miserable one that I am!  It’s easy to think of Paul as some kind of superhero with powers that made him invincible and immune to sin or temptation.   But when he wrote to introduce himself to the community in Rome, Paul sounds surprisingly frank and self-revelatory. ...

Come and Drink

He is like a tree planted near running water.  What a glorious promise—especially to the Jewish people who would have prayed this psalm!   Remember, the Holy Land is a more arid region than where most of us live.   The thought of lush vegetation growing along the...

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