Mar 5, 2018 | Word Among Us
God who gives to all generously . . . James’ letter can read like a long list of advice, kind of like a supersized to-do list: be joyful when you suffer. Persevere perfectly. Ask in faith. Recognize you will fade like a flower. But James doesn’t give us a...
Mar 3, 2018 | Word Among Us
The kingdom will return to David’s house. . . . and they will kill me. We know that God can do amazing things. Yet often, when God promises something, and we see it gradually coming about, we begin to doubt or grow anxious. Like Peter walking on water, we forget...
Mar 1, 2018 | Word Among Us
She begged him. Some of the most emotionally powerful stories in the New Testament feature a parent begging Jesus to touch their child. From the little girl who was raised from the dead to the epileptic boy, these miracles all took place because parents pushed...
Feb 27, 2018 | Word Among Us
You have set aside the commandment of God It was an easy trap to fall into. In their zeal for the faith, many of the scribes and Pharisees created layers and layers of traditions and practices that would set them apart from “the world.” Over time, these layers...
Feb 22, 2018 | Word Among Us
A prophet is not without honor except in his native place. In Scripture, Mark tells us how the people of Jesus’ hometown struggled to accept him because they thought they knew him. Sadly, their inability to honor him, one of their fellow townspeople, limited the...
Feb 21, 2018 | Word Among Us
She . . . told him the whole truth. There are some intriguing parallels between the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the story of the woman who touched Jesus’ garment. First, there’s the likeness between the woman’s illness and our experience of sin. Of course, we...
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