Courageous, Confident, and Contented

Render a just decision for me against my adversary. How often, when you hear this story, do you picture a stocky old woman with a grating voice—a stereotypical “nag”?   You might compare her stubbornness to the persistence of a bulldog or the relentlessness of a...

Excellent is the Lord

Let them know how far more excellent is the Lord than these. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every visitor to Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest were to drop to their knees in awe of the God who designed such stunning displays of nature’s beauty?   The...

The Kingdom of God is among you

The kingdom of God is among you. Do you like to rearrange furniture?   Some people are very good at imagining a room in a different way, then moving things around to match their vision.   They may notice a gap and go shopping for an accent piece that will alter the...


He fell at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. The Greek word for “thanked” in this sentence is one of the most important words in our life of faith.   What is this word?   Euchariston.   That’s right.   The word that we get “Eucharist” from. The whole of the Mass is...

Holding me in your loving arms

Behind me and before, you hem me in and rest your hand upon me.  There’s a reason why a great, big warm hug from a loved one makes us feel peaceful.   Scientists have observed that when external pressure is applied over a large portion of our body—as in a big hug—it...

Teach me to be ‘Prudent’

The children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than the children of light.  Jesus gave us this parable because he wanted to teach us to think strategically.   When faced with imminent job loss, the steward in the story sprang into...

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