My soul waits for the Lord

My soul waits for the Lord. Did you know that there is a restaurant inside Disneyland with a fourteen-year waiting list?   Most of us will never wait that long for tickets to a Broadway play, let alone a nice meal!   We’re probably more used to waiting a few minutes...

I am ready

Ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. What do you think it means to labor for the Lord’s harvest?   Is Jesus talking only about the “harvest” at the end of time? Probably not. Some people have suggested that Luke was a doctor; others say...

A Pharisee invited him to dine

A Pharisee invited him to dine.  One day, a mother of two was preparing chicken for dinner.   As she trimmed the fat from the meat, a thought passed through her mind.   She felt as if the Lord was telling her, “Sandra, this is what I am doing in your life—trimming...

Open My Heart

Paul . . . called to be an Apostle and set apart for the Gospel of God.  St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans has long been recognized as a theological masterpiece, but that fact can make it seem awfully intimidating.   So as we explore Romans over the next few weeks,...

Help Me to Follow You

How is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?  According to Jesus’ parable, some who were invited to the wedding banquet said no.   They were too busy.   And it seems that one man who did show up hadn’t come to honor the king’s son.   He came without the...

The Lord is a Refuge

The Lord is a refuge to his people.  Even though biblical scholars argue over the exact time when Joel prophesied, one thing is sure.   The Israelites were in bad shape.   They had been led astray by neighboring peoples and had embraced their false idols and unjust...

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