You are children of the light

You are children of the light and children of the day Children of the day!   How wonderful to be reassured that we have been rescued from the darkness of sin and can now enjoy the light of Christ!   But Paul, ever the apostle, goes beyond the good feelings and...

When we Pray for You

We always give thanks to God . . . when we pray for you Huddled in a cramped, filthy concentration-camp barracks, Corrie ten Boom and her sister Betsie tried to thank God for their circumstances.   It was the height of World War II, and they had been sent to...

We urge you

We urge you, brothers and sisters, to progress even more. A worker building a cathedral may perform a single task over and over again.   Repeatedly putting one stone on top of another or filling one wheelbarrow after the next can get monotonous over time.   It is easy...

God . . . gives his Holy Spirit to you

For many of us, the Holy Spirit is the most puzzling member of the Trinity.   Sure, we can not fully grasp the Father or Son either, but it seems hardest to relate to the Spirit.   Why might this be? Well, for one, the Father and Son have names we can easily connect...

Stand Firm in the Lord

We now live, if you stand firm in the Lord Paul thanks his followers in Thessalonica for being faithful.   He has been through a lot since he left them.   He has been falsely accused, beaten, and thrown in jail.   As he yearns to be released and return to his...

Thank you, God

We too give thanks to God unceasingly Let’s face it.   We all have good days and bad days.   Sometimes we are filled with thanksgiving and joy, and other times, we are not.   Some days we may lack joy because of how we are feeling, and at other times, we may really be...

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