What is man that you should be mindful of him?

Have you ever tried to count the stars but found the task overwhelming? Or as a student, did you gaze into a microscope and become amazed at all the activity in a single drop of pond water? We truly do live in an amazing, complex world! The more we discover about the...

That they might touch only…

That they might touch only his tassel on his cloak. It has often been said that the clothes we wear reveal something about who we are. Are we wealthy or not? Flashy or modest? In one sense, this was true during Jesus’ time as well, only in a more direct way....

Your light must shine before others

Mahatma Gandhi once told a Christian friend, “I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” In a similar vein, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said that if he saw more redeemed people he...

His heart was moved

You had a long, tiring week, and now you are glad it is over.  After doing the dishes, you settle in for some relaxation when – just like that – the phone rings.  The caller ID tells you that it is that one friend who always seems to have a pressing...

Remember your leaders

Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you…And imitate their faith. Whether you were born into the Catholic faith or converted to Catholicism, you most likely have people in your life who inspired or encouraged you in your walk of faith.  And that is...

And suddenly there will come..

And suddenly there will come to the temple the Lord whom you seek You are resting at home one evening, enjoying the quiet after a long day at work.  Suddenly, the door bell rings.  But you were not expecting anyone.  You open the door cautiously, only to find dear...

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